I have always had this thing about Tucker turning 9 months. I don't know why I think it is so amazing but I feel like he is a REAL person now, weird I know. He has been alive in the world for the same amount of time that he was alive in my belly. For a year and a half this little peanut has been blessing my life. I remember when I was pregnant and had morning sickness for 30 weeks, people would always tell me "it is so worth it, blah blah blah". Without already having a baby I didn't know the JOY that was coming, I really was thankful but all I could focus on was the sickness. Everyone would always ask me, "don't you just love being pregnant?!" I would respond with a chipper, "no". Not the answer most people were looking for but it was true. I would usually just smile and make a little joke about being sick because I didn't want to seem like I was complaining-that was reserved for close family and friends-you're welcome :) Thankfully, I had to leave my job when we moved from Florida to Minnesota. I was 20 weeks pregnant so I didn't have to work the second half of my pregnancy. I truly don't know how I would have survived working through the sickness. I made it to 39 weeks and baby was born, yippee! I have heard of a lot of women who have gone through the baby blues after they give birth, something I had always been nervous about, but I had a BURST of energy for about 3 weeks after the birth. I think it was all the pent up energy I had from sitting on the couch for 20 weeks :)I feel so proud that little Tucker has survived in the world for these 9 months, I wonder what I will feel at 9 years, ha!
9 weeks pregnant, morning sickness ruling my life. God was just knitting away!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.Psalm 139:13
At 9 months Tuck can:
waive bye bye
pull himself up on furniture
suck from a straw
shake his head no
say mamamamama when he is sad
While I was pregnant I would frequently tell Matt that I never want to be pregnant again. Well, now, 9 months later I would say-hopefully someday God willing, during my next pregnancy I won't have crippling morning sickness for 30 weeks. And to all you pregnant morning sick mammas-hang in there! It sucks and you have my sympathy :)
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