Friday, September 21, 2012

I love you, a bushel and a peck!

Oh autumn, my love. It has just been a wonderful start to the season of vibrant colors, crisp air, and crunchy leaves. We have been busy trying to get the last minute extended outdoor time. We started fall off right by visiting Auntie Brittany and Uncle Jonny in La Crosse where Tucker enjoyed his first fair, complete with his first fair ride! I was a little nervous to hand him over to the carney ride but I thought-oh what the heck-go for it-but just don't touch anything!
We also could not leave the fairgrounds without playing a little game. Tucker reached his little mitts into a river of rubber duckies and won a ball-it doesn't take much to impress this guy!
As if going to a fair and winning a ball weren't enough, Auntie Brittany and Uncle Jonny took us to pick apples-Tucker LOVED it and would not put his apple down!

The Mississippi River valley is a great place to be.

Monday, September 17, 2012

a change of seasons

Summer is over and my second year of grad school is in full swing! I have had anxiety about this time all summer. After an easy breezy summer spent with days full of sunshine and Tucker love I knew it would be an adjustment, for all of us, with me returning to school and starting a graduate assistantship. I have to say we are very blessed by a wonderful caretaker for our little man who has made the transition much easier for us all. I met Chelsea at church and was delighted when she agreed to take Tucker 2 1/2 days per week. She has a little one who is only a month older so this is Tucker's first REAL playmate and my heart just melts watching them interact. Knowing he is safe and having fun with his little amigo I can really enjoy the time I have to spend away from him. Chelsea sends me pictures of the boys throughout the day which always makes my heart smile!
Thankfully, between work and school and baby and husband and dogs and everything else, I have time for a little craftiness. When we were home for Tucker's dedication dad and I found time to gather some acorns for a project that was yet to be decided. One day this week I went to the dollar store, funnest place ever by the way, and I found a stick wreath for-get this - ONE DOLLAR! The acorns immediately came to mind and I knew I could create something fallish. Please note, acorns are seriously dirty and bugs live in them! Who knew?
Isn't she pretty?! I think yes. Happy fall!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

a haircut & a dedication

I had visions of Tucker's curly hair growing down to his shoulders like Max on Parenthood, who I think is adorable. But the reality of long curly hair on a child is frizzzzzy in the morning and sweaty mess in the afternoon. After several talks of how to care for his hair by investing in a spray bottle to reduce the friz we decided to take advantage of the ease of boyhood. With that, the time had officially come to have Tucker's first haircut! Of course, we had to have Grandpa the Barber to take care of his precious locks. With a snack in hand Tucker let Grandpa zip around him with lightning speed to get the job done. Before the chop his hair was 5 inches long! That's 1/2 an inch per month, at this rate we will have to come home for haircuts every other month!

The next day we finally had Tucker's baby dedication at Faith Free. On that special Sunday morning we declared that it was our intention to present our child to the Lord and to pledge ourselves to bringing him up in the nurture and counsel of the Lord. We answered the following questions with "we do".
Do you recognize your child as a gift of God, and give heartfelt thanks for God's blessing?
Do you dedicate your child to the Lord who gave him?
Do you pledge as parents that you will bring up this child in the nurture and counsel of the Lord?
Do you promise to give this child every possible benefit of the home and of the church?
Do you ask God's blessings upon your child's life, to guide, guard and direct them through all their years?
We know that only he can personally put his trust and faith in Jesus so we wanted to commit ourselves to God in diligently nurturing him with total trust and faith in our living and loving father. It was a wonderful day spent with family.