Friday, May 25, 2012

sick baby

Last Monday baby boy woke up 6, SIX, times throughout the night. I could tell he wasn’t really ever in a deep sleep so I too was drifting in and out of dreamland all night. In the morning he felt a little warm so I figured I should take his temp. I rushed around digging through random baby gear looking for his thermometer I had no idea where it was because I had never had to take it before. I finally found it, stuck it under his arm and waited 20 seconds until it read 101.1 my heart skipped a beat. I Googled “6 month old with a fever of 101” (I don’t know what new parents did before Google). Finally, Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…it sounds like an ear infection. We go in aaand no dice, the doctor said it was a virus and didn’t seem too concerned. After two more sleepless nights and two more fussy days all was well again. We made it through, happy ending! Every time we progress through a difficult phase I feel a little bit stronger and more equipped to face what is next. It always seems like we are facing a new challenge and although Tucker is an easy baby, we still face growth spurts, baby gas bubbles, teething, and over-tiredness. Each of these minor everyday baby occurrences is cake compared to a sick baby! Health is something I take for granted until someone gets sick, it was a great reminder that God is in control and all I could do was trust that he was taking care of my baby. I am truly, SO thankful for a healthy family.

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